The scientific and technological global goal of the CYBERLEGs project is the
development of an artificial cognitive system for dysvascular trans-femoral amputees’
lower-limb functional replacement and assistance in activities of daily living.
CYBERLEGs will be a robotic system constituted of an active cognitive artificial leg
for the functional replacement of the amputated limb and a wearable active orthosis
for assisting the contralateral sound limb.
CYBERLEGs will allow the amputee to walk back and forward, go up and down stairs,
and move from sit-to-stand and stand-to-sit with a minimum cognitive and energetic
effort. The control system of CYBERLEGs will be based on motor primitives as
fundamental buildings block, thus endowing CYBERLEGs with semiautonomous
behaviour for planning the motion of the prosthesis joints and the assistive action of
the orthosis module. CYBERLEGs will be capable of high-level cognitive skills,
interfaced to the amputee through a bi-directional interaction.
CYBERLEGs will be able ‘to understand’ user-motor intentions smoothly and
effectively and to prevent the risk of fall for the amputee, by means of a multi-sensory
fusion algorithm based on:
01 The observation of the motion of the amputee body;
02 The interaction force between CYBERLEGs and the amputee;
03 Their force interaction with ground.
Finally, CYBERLEGs will be capable of closing the loop with the amputee: the
amputee will receive an efferent feedback from CYBERLEGs which will enhance the
perception of CYBERLEGs as a part of his/her own body.
Call (part) Identifier
Grant no
1 February 2012
36 months
3,5 M€ (2, 5 M€ EU contribution)
Five from three EU countries
Scuola Superiore di Studi Universitari e di Perfezionamento Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy
Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain, Belgium
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussel, Belgium
Univerza V Ljubljani, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus, Milan, Italy